Children & Youth

Caring For Our Children

"We will surround this child with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service  to others. We will pray for this child that they may  be a true disciple who walks in the way that leads to life."  - Baptismal Promise, UMC Book of Worship 

Children's programming has been suspended due to the pandemic. We are in the process of developing future programming.

Safe Sanctuary:

This is a set of policies established by our church that seeks to ensure a safe environment for our children, youth, and vulnerable adults as well as those who are ministering to them as volunteers and employees. Our pastor and Leadership Teams review our Safe Sanctuary policies annually.
A full copy of our Safe Sanctuary policy is available from the church office. 

Steps we take to provide a loving, safe environment… 

* Children entrusted to the care of staff or volunteers are supervised according to their level of development. * We use registration procedures for all events.
* We observe the “rule of two” (2 adults are always present with children ages 11 and under) and the “Rule of  Three” (3 people are always present for youth ages 12 and older.)
* Our leaders are at least 18 yrs. of age; helpers are at least 12 yrs. of age. Those working with youth are at least 21 yrs of age.
* Pictures that specifically identify children are not posted without parental consent. Pictures are not posted  until after events are over.

Ways parents can help…

* Use our sign-in and sign-out procedures for all events. Carefully observe our drop-off and pick-up times. 
* Ensure the church has an up to date Emergency Medical Authorization form for each child you bring (including friends). 
* Avoid leaving your child unsupervised, and do not leave them in a situation in which you are not completely comfortable. You know your child and their needs best.
* Refrain from asking leaders to make exceptions to policies. 
* If your child has allergies, special needs, behavior concerns, or is having a rough day, please share your concerns with event leader and leave your phone number so our volunteers can reach you with questions. This helps us ensure a positive experience for your child.  

Emergency Medical Authorization Form